Snoring is a fairly common problem. There's nothing more disgusting than the sound of someone snoring when you're trying to fall asleep. Or maybe it's you who snores, and people tease you about the noise you make in your sleep. Snoring isn’t just embarrassing loud noise, perhaps its a sign of serious health problem. It is often associated with a sleep disorder what is called as Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – a condition which occurs due to narrowed upper airways during sleep. WHAT HAPPENS IN OSA : During sleep, the muscles and tissues of the throat loses its tone & become relaxed leading to airway narrowing (collapse) in certain individuals . When air passes forcefully through this - it creates a vibrating sound called snoring. Eventually the airway completely blocks leading to 1. Apnea (stoppage of breathing for more than 10 seconds). 2. Hypopnea (reduction in the airflow leading to decrease in oxygen levels and/Or arousal from sleep...